Flow Services-Branch Continue...
Few Pointers for Branch:
*You cannot branch on a switch value and an expression for the same BRANCH step. If you want to branch on the value of a single variable and you know the possible run-time values of the switch variable exactly, branch on the switch value. If you want to branch on the values of more than one variable or on a range of values, branch on expressions.
*The expressions you create for the children of a BRANCH step need to be mutually exclusive (only one condition should evaluate to true at run time).
*If you are branching on expressions, make sure the expressions you assign to the target steps are mutually exclusive. In addition, do not use null or empty values as labels when branching on expressions. The BRANCH step ignores target steps with a $null label or blank label. In the case of branch on expressions, use only name and $default to the label of step.
*When you build a BRANCH step, you can include target steps that match null or empty switch values. The BRANCH step considers a switch value to be null if the variable does not exist in the pipeline or is explicitly set to null. The BRANCH step considers a switch value to be an empty string if the variable exists in the pipeline but its value is a zero length string.
*You can only have one default target step for a BRANCH step. Designer always evaluates the default step last. The default step does not need to be the last child of the BRANCH step.