Flow Services-Common Properties:

The properties explained below are common to all step types :

Property Description

Comments -- Optional. Specifies a descriptive comment for this step.

Scope -- Optional. Specifies the name of a document (IData) in the pipeline to which you want to restrict this step. If you want this step to have access to the entire pipeline, leave this property blank.

Timeout -- Optional. Specifies the maximum number of seconds that this step should run. If this time elapses before the step completes, Integration Server issues a FlowTimeoutException and execution continues with the next step in the service. Value can be 0, blank or integer value.

If you do not need to specify a time-out period, leave Timeout blank.

Label -- Optional. (Required if you are using this step as a target for a BRANCH or EXIT step.) Specifies a name for this specific step, or a null, unmatched, or empty string ($null, $default, blank). Value can be any identifier.