Flow Services-Exit(Like Break):

The EXIT flow step allows you to exit the entire flow service or a single flow step. You specify whether you want to exit from:

*Exit $loop(would exit entire loop if BAD credit found)

*Exit $parent(would skip the BAD credit partner and continue)

*Exit <Label> (would exit to a specific label)

*Exit $flow(would leave the entire flow if BAD credit found)

Exit Properties :

*Exit with Success

*Exit with Failure and Reason(error message)

Property Description

Exit from The flow step from which you want to exit.

Specify one of the following:

Specify To exit from the...

$loop Nearest ancestor LOOP or REPEAT flow step.

$parent Parent flow step, regardless of the type of


$flow Entire flow.

Label Nearest ancestor flow step that has a label

That matches this value.

Note: If the label you specify does not match the label of an ancestor flow step, the flow will exit with an exception.

Signal Whether the exit is to be considered a success or a failure.

Specify one of the following:

Specify To...

SUCCESS Exit the flow service or flow step with a

Success condition.

FAILURE Exit the flow service or flow step with a

Failure condition. An exception is thrown

after the exit. You specify the error

a message with the Failure message


Failure message The text of the exception message you want to

display. If you want to use the value of a pipeline

variable for this property, type the variable name

between % symbols (for example,%mymessage%).

The variable you specify must be a String. This

property is not used when the Signal is set to