Flow Services-Invoke (Functions):

Use the INVOKE step to request a service within a flow.

*Invoke flow services recursively (that is, a flow service that calls itself). If you use a flow service recursively, bear in mind that you must provide a means to end the recursion.

*Invoke any service, validating its input and/or output.

Property Description

Service Required. Specifies the fully qualified name of the service to invoke.

Validate input Optional. Specifies whether the server validates the input to the service against the service input signature. If you want the input to be validated, select True. If you do not want the input to be validated, select False.

Validate output Optional. Specifies whether the server validates the output of the service against the service output signature. If you want the output to be validated, select True. If you do not want the output to be validated, select False.