The REPEAT step repeatedly executes its child steps up to a maximum number of times that you specify. It determines whether to re-execute the child steps based on a Repeat on condition. You can set the repeat condition to one of the following:

*Repeat if any one of the child steps fails.

*Repeat if all of the elements succeed.

You can also specify a time period that you want the REPEAT flow step to wait before it re-executes its child steps.

Any repeat can specify a max Count. Maximum number of iterations = max Count+1

The Repeat Step :

Property Description

Count Required. Specifies the maximum number of times the server re-executes the child steps in the REPEAT step. Set Count to 0 (zero) to instruct the server that the child steps should not be re-executed. Set Count to a value greater than zero to instruct the server to re-execute the child steps up to a specified number of times. Set Count to -1 to instruct the server to re-execute the child steps as long as the specified Repeat on condition is true. If you want to use the value of a pipeline variable for this property, type the variable name between % symbols. For example, %servicecount%.The variable you specify must be a String.

Repeat interval Optional. Specifies the number of seconds the server waits before re-executing the child steps. Specify 0 (zero) to re-execute the child steps without delay.If you want to use the value of a pipeline variable for this property, type the variable name between % symbols. For example, %waittime%. The variable you specify must be a String.

Repeat on Required. Specifies when the server re-executes the REPEAT child steps. Select SUCCESS to re-execute the child steps when all the child steps are complete successfully. Select FAILURE to re-execute the child steps when any one of the child steps fails.